Transitioning to Adult Health Care

New Resources for Youth and Families Transitioning to Adult Healthcare


Transition of Care Video Series

Through the Transition of Care Video Series, the Child Neurology Foundation (CNF) shares the unique journeys of 2 patients—a teen with epilepsy and a young woman with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and other health conditions—as they approach transitioning from a child neurologist to an adult neurologist. The Transition of Care Video Series also showcases perspectives and experiences of 5 national transitions experts: child and adult physicians, social workers, and nurses—through brief, yet in-depth interviews. The videos underscore the importance of partnership, communication, and a defined process to ensure successful health care transitions.  Watch the videos and access other CNF transition resources.


QUIZ FOR YOUTH: Are You Ready to Transition to Adult Health Care?

With our National Young Adult Transition Advisory Group, Got Transition has created a Youth Health Care Transition Quiz for youth and young adults to find out how ready they are to transition to adult care. The quiz asks about major issues important during transition years. It also gives tips and resources to address many health care transition questions, including how to add their medical information to their smartphone, what legal changes happen at 18, and how to sign up for health insurance. Take the quiz.



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