Are you a male survivor of sexual abuse?

by Jeanine Zlockie, Director of Communications and Educational Programs National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services

We all hurt when we hear of acts of sexual violence against people with disabilities, such as the recent sexual assault of a woman in Arizona at her residence.  State DD agencies are always working on issues of health and safety, so when we see efforts that are happening that can focus on healing, we want to share it with you.

Below is work that the US Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability is focusing on, and we hope you can share it with people that might want to help contribute to this work.

The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability® got a grant from the WITH Foundation to build on phase one of the “Talk About Sexual Violence” project. [Mark Starford is working on this project with Kecia Weller and The Board Resource Center].

Together, they are creating videos that show healthcare professionals, like doctors and nurses, talking about sexual assault to male patients with developmental disabilities.

This is so important because men with developmental disabilities, are often ignored, overlooked and not even thought about when it comes to sexual violence. I know this issue is hard talk about it, but they are trying to make it better for men, and to help them recover from trauma.

They want to talk to men with developmental disabilities who are survivors of sexual assault about how to make a doctor’s appointment feel safe, so they can openly talk about this issue. They also want to talk with health care people to hear their suggestions about ways it can be easier for men to talk with their doctors about sexual assault.

If you know someone who wants to share information, please email Mark Starford.

Click here for project announcement.


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