Summer Newsletter: Tech’s Ramp to the World

Our printable summer newsletter offers information and resources for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families.


cover image of the 2017 Summer NewsletterSmart Living Project
Last year, the DD Council and The Arc Washington State launched Smart Living, a pilot project to explore ways that technology can assist people with I/DD in their homes. Find out how one home in Olympia got smart, thanks to this pilot program.

Your Child’s IEPs and You
As a member of the IEP team, you are your child’s best advocate, making sure that the proper supports are in place to work toward learning goals that are meaningful and educationally appropriate. It’s not always easy, but there are steps you can take to ensure that your child’s educational needs are being met in a way that reflects their individual strengths, needs and priorities for learning.

Technology @School
Nate has struggled with communication his entire life. He didn’t have any words until he was three, wasn’t putting words together into sentences until he was 10, and even at almost 13 has a very difficult time being understood by the people around him. Using a slow approach and help from his speech therapists, he uses technology to help reach his educational goals.

Summer Health Tips
Learn how to recognize and prevent dehydration.


Summer 2017 Newsletter (PDF)


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