DDA HCBS Waivers

To help children and adults with developmental disabilities remain in their family home or other community setting, the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) operates four Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers. Each has a different package of services meant to meet the needs of eligible individuals (described below) in order to avoid institutionalization.

If your family member needs additional services to continue to live in the community you may request to be considered for a HCBS waiver. To make the request, call your Regional DDA office and tell them you would like to be assessed to determine your eligibility for enrollment on a waiver. (Note: Enrollment is limited depending on capacity on the waivers and severity of need. If you are denied a waiver, your family member’s name will be kept on a statewide database.)

Basic Plus (All Ages)

  • Who: For children and adults living in the family home or other community-based settings (such as Adult Family Homes) and whose ability to continue being supported in that setting is at risk without additional services.
  • What: Personal Care, Respite, Skilled Nursing, Behavior Support, Adult Dental Services (Age 21+), Environmental Accessibility Adaptations, Specialized Medical Equipment/Supplies, OT/PT, Specialized Psychiatric Services, Staff;Family Consultation and Training, Transportation, Supported Employment, Pre-Vocational and Community Access.

Core (All Ages)

  • Who: For children and adults at immediate risk of out-of-home placement who have a need that cannot be met by the Basic Plus waiver and who:
    • May need up to 24-hour residential services that include training and education;, or
      May require daily to weekly one-on-one support for physical or health needs.
  • What: All services available under Basic Plus and Supported Living (Residential) Services. CORE waiver services provide more funding for services than Basic Plus, based on assessed need.

Children’s Intensive In-home Behavioral Supports (CIIBS) (Children)

  • Who: For children (ages 8-20) living in the family home who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to the intensity of their behavioral challenges.
  • What: CIIBS provides positive behavior support and team based planning that builds upon strengths and works toward outcomes driven by the family. Each child’s team includes family, friends, providers, school staff, and others. The family partners with a behavior specialist to create and follow a positive behavior support plan that fits the whole family. Other services include respite, assistive technology, and therapeutic equipment and supplies.

Community Protection (Adults)

  • Who: For adults who need 24-hour on-site awake staff supervision and therapies to maintain their own and community safety.
  • What: The goal of the Community Protection Waiver is to provide a structured, therapeutic environment for persons with community protection issues in order for them to live safely and successfully in the community while minimizing the risk to public safety. Community Protection services include Supported Living (Residential) Services, Supported Employment, Pre-vocational, Behavior Support and Consultation.

You can watch videos about the Home and Community Based Waivers at the IFBT YouTube Channel.


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