Developmental Disabilities Administration Videos

DDA’s Planned Action Notice: Don’t Panic – Read Your Pan!
Changes in services and other DDD decisions, now arrive in a Planned Action Notice. Learn what you need to do when you receive a Planned Action Notice.


The DDD Assessment: An Overview of the New Assessment Process
Individuals with developmental disabilities talk about why the new assessment is important. A case manager explains the assessment process to a young man and his mother. Ed Holen discusses with Janet Adams, DDA’s Quality Assurance Manager, how the new assessment process standardizes the services received by individuals and families.


The DDA Complaint Process
Emily Rogers with the Arc of Washington asks individuals with developmental disabilities what they don’t like about services they receive. Janet Adams, DDD’s Quality Manager shares how to make a complaint if you have a concern about how you are treated by DDD.


The DDA Fair Hearing Process
When the Division of Developmental Disabilities makes a decision that you disagree with you have a right to a fair hearing. This video explains the fair hearing process and one family shares their experiences when they’ve requested fair hearings.



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