NEW: Youth Scholarships to Attend Conferences

Logo for Annual Conference for Independent Living: Mobilize Resistance Through Action. Red and black lettering with an arrow with red heart aimed at the O in Mobilize.

As NCIL’s 2018 Annual Conference on Independent Living draws near, many youth with disabilities may be unsure of how they will fund a conference experience. Attending a national conference like this is hugely important in the life of a young person. Opportunities for networking with other young people and connecting with disabled mentors can enrich the experience of youth with disabilities and help them to learn that anything is possible for them and their futures.

The NCIL Youth Scholarship is here to help offset the cost of conference attendance. Local, regional, and national scholarships are available. Instructions on how to apply and specifications regarding applicants are available at the Youth Scholarship Application Form.

The deadline to apply is April 30, 2018.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Youth Transitions Fellow Hindley Williams.

Please share this announcement with your networks. We want to share this opportunity with as many youth as possible. If you would like to donate to the Youth Scholarship Fund, please email NCIL Development Coordinator Cara Liebowitz.


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