2013 Blog Topics

Each month we will focus on a topic relevant to the disability community.  We welcome diverse perspectives and ideas, and look forward to your stories, thoughts and experiences. 

To submit an article on any of the topics listed below, click on the “submit an article” link on the right side of the page. In the subject line, please include the month’s topic that you’re writing about.
January: “I Wouldn’t Change My Child for the World, but I’d Change the World for My Child”: What do you love/admire/treasure about your child or adult with disabilities?
February: Keeping your world wide (friendship, recreation, travel, etc)
March: Marriage/relationship issues
April: Sibling issues
May: IEP/working with the school system
June: Working with the DDD System
July: Assistive technology
August: Making life livable through services and support
September: Book/Literature reviews
October: Preparing for the future (special needs trust, wills, guardianship, etc)
November: Extended families/holiday traditions
December: Searching for a diagnosis/living without a diagnosis


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