Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)

WISe Bulletin (pdf)

Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) provides intensive mental health services in a wraparound team structure for children and youth involved in more than one system. It’s available to Medicaid eligible children/youth from birth to age 21.

The focus of WISe is to:

  • Provide intensive mental health services to assist youth and families in achieving wellness, safety, and relationships within their community.
  • Develop a single plan, based on strengths and needs. The plan is guided and driven by the youth and family using a team. Team members include natural supports and  professionals who work with the family.
  • Provide supports to the family and youth in locations and at times that work best for the youth and family.
  • Provide access to crisis services any time of the day, 365 days a year.
Consider WISe When Your Child Is…
  • A frequent user of the crisis line or emergency rooms due to mental health.
  • Experiencing challenging, hard to understand behaviors, and traditional services are not helping.
  • Displaying an elevated risk of harm to themselves or others.
  • In need of a more intensive and individualize approach.
  • In need of a more flexible and engaging approach.
  • Involved in more than one service system, and the system(s) are struggling with supporting the youth in a coordinated way.
  • In Special Education and/or have a 504 Plan, with multiple school suspensions for mental health and/or behavioral issues.
Where is WISe?

WISe will be available statewide in 2018. Community Mental Health Agencies* currently provide WISe screening and services in 16 counties. Anyone can call to request a WISe screen. You do not need a referral.

WISe Locations* as of December 2014

Map of WISe locations

For information on where WISe is available and who to contact, send an email to: WISeSupport@dshs.wa.gov.


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