Changes to Personal Care: Community First Choice

Printable Bulletin

One of three significant changes taking place in the coming year will impact everyone who receives personal care services. It’s called Community First Choice (CFC). It’s a new Medicaid state plan option that brings a higher federal match to enhance community-based services.

The CFC will provide services that are designed to offer choice and flexibility of services to increase independence and skills. It will include all personal care services, including those now received through a Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) wavier.

Services will be provided to persons living in the following settings:

  • Home
  • Adult Family Home
  • Assisted Living
  • ARC (Adult Residential Center)

The CFC is expected to be in place by the end of July 2015. There are still elements that the state is working to refine, such as the quality assurance process and who qualifies as providers. Once this is done, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) must approve the proposal.

To date, the state has created a menu of services that are likely to be included (see below). The most important thing to know is that the CFC will not cause anyone to lose their current personal care services.

Community First Choice
Menu of Services*

CORE BENEFITS (service credit based on assessment)

  • Personal Care / Relief Care;
  • Skills Training;
  • Back-up Supports;
  • Training on hiring, managing and dismissing providers.

ENHANCED BENEFITS (flat annual service credit)

  • Assistive devices that replace human assistance;
  • Specialized medical equipment; or,
  • Additional Core Benefits may be purchased.

*Pending finalization by the state and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Watch it!

Bea Rector of Home & Community Services talks about a new program ahead that will affect tens of thousands of individuals receiving personal care. It’s called Community First Choice. Hosted by Ed Holen and Sue Elliott.


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