Glossary of Terms: CDWA

Are you new to becoming an Individual Provider or a family using CDWA for the first time? There are lots of new words and terms involved! Below is a glossary to help you and your loved one navigate the system.

Consumer Direct Care Network Washington (CDWA)

CDWA is the company that employs Individual Providers who provide in-home personal care and respite services. CDWA works with DSHS’ Aging and Long-Term Support Administration and Developmental Disabilities Administration, and Area Agencies on Aging. This is where individuals apply to become Individual Providers.

Individual Providers (IP or IP’s)

Individual Providers are people who provide personal care to a person, who is eligible for Medicaid in-home care services. IP’s have required training and certifications to provide care. They are sometimes friends or family members of the person.

Orientation and Safety Training (O&S Training)

Orientation and Safety Training that provides the IP with basic safety skills before they begin caring for clients.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

This is the union that represents long-term care workers.


Carina is a website search engine that helps individuals and families find qualified caregivers in your area that match your care needs.


Client refers to the individual who is receiving Medicaid services and will be receiving the care.

Authorized Representative (AR)

Authorized Representative is a person designated as a representative for the client.


DirectMyCare is a secure website used by CDWA that holds online payroll and budget management tools.


ADP is the website where you will find pay stubs, payment history and W-2’s.

Resources for navigating CDWA:

Printable Bulletin


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