Good News for Families Waiting for Services

Thanks to action by our state legislature this past session, 4,000—5,000 individuals and families on DDA’s No Paid Services (NPS) caseload will begin to get services by 2017.

The increase in services comes from two major program shifts to take place over the next two years:
Moving the state-funded Individual and Families Services program to a
federal Medicaid Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver
program. This move allows the state to capture a 50% match in federal
funds, increasing the overall dollar amount available to serve more
Giving the state the authority to develop the Community First Choice
Option (CFCO), which is a Medicaid option that draws a higher federal
match. Some people refer to it as “refinancing” Medicaid Personal Care.
Again, the increased federal match increases funding to serve more
Next Steps
workgroup is meeting to prepare for these new program changes,
including any impact to the existing service system. If you are on the
No Paid Services caseload, it is important that you position yourself to
take advantage of future program enrollment openings.
we learn more, we’ll keep you posted on what’s happening and what you
can do to help ensure that your child receives the services s/he needs.
In the meantime, check out the Informing Families, Building Trust video series on DDA services to become familiar with the current wavier services and community-based programs.


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