Community Connections: A Free Guide for Families

Family Community Connections Guidebook

Information and Resources for Families and Individuals
with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Washington State

a group of stick people talking, shaking hands, with puzzle shaped speech bubbles connecting the peoplePrepared by The Arc of Washington State


As a family member, there may be days when you think it is impossible to find community resources or engagement opportunities. Parenting is hard work. Add in a son or daughter with an intellectual and/or developmental disability, and the task becomes daunting. Many people toss around words like community, inclusion, and belonging; yet finding ways to make these ideals a reality can be confusing, complex and overwhelming. There is no right path and no right approach.

With multiple paths and avenues available, it can be hard to know where to start. What may work for one family or individual does not work for another. There may be religious, cultural, personal and family beliefs which influence decisions. One family may focus on independence and another focuses on interdependence.

It is up to you to find the approach which works best for you and your family member with intellectual disabilities. This guide was developed with input from families, individuals with disabilities, and professionals to offer ideas, tips and resources to help envision a full and meaningful life for your family member.

The guide includes worksheets for identifying people, places and ideas to help broaden your family member’s social circle and community connections.

Download The Family Community Connections Guidebook (PDF)


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