2020 Infant & Early Childhood Conference

cheerful little baby girl with Down Syndrome

Save The Date: May 6, 7 and 8

Tacoma Convention Center

The 2020 Infant and Early Childhood Conference (IECC) offers more than 100 high-quality training opportunities related to early childhood education, with a focus on birth to three and early intervention.

  • Challenge thinking about diversity and disability;
  • Increase family and provider effectiveness through new skills, strategies and ideas for providing high quality services;
  • Enhance understanding of the unique strengths and needs of each family;
  • Foster partnerships across families, disciplines, agencies and funders to provide coordinated services in local communities;
  • Promote networking and coalition building around early childhood issues;
  • Enhance the lives of families and their children through the use of information and technology; and
  • Promote the mutual understanding of the contributions families and providers bring to the lives of young children.

Registration opens in February.

*IECC plans to offer STARS Credit and Clock Hours for this event.

Click here for general conference information.

IECC Flyer


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