New Year, New Blog!

The new year has arrived, and with that comes the official beginning of our Informing Families, Building Trust Blog. We are so excited about this new undertaking, and hope this blog will be a place where parents from all over Washington State can share the feelings, thoughts, ideas, support, heartache and joys that they experience while caring for their children and adults with disabilities. We envision a place where parents and other caregivers can say what is on their mind without judgement or recrimination, and with a community of people who understand.

The format of our blog will be as follows: Each month a new topic relevant to the disability community will be introduced with two posts: one from a mother’s perspective, and one from a father’s perspective. After that, the topic will open up to the community. Anyone can submit an article, and you can submit as many articles as you like.  Submitting an article is as easy as clicking on the “submit an article” link on the right side of the page. The only guidelines are that you stay within the topic for the given month, and while we encourage unique opinions and perspectives, we ask that you remain kind and compassionate above all else.

The Informing Families, Building Trust moderator will check all submissions for appropriateness and format, and then post them directly on the blog! Check back often throughout the month for new articles, special guests, professional input and more.

Like we said, we can’t wait to get started! Welcome to our blog!


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