Recreation and Resource Fair February 3rd 2018

For Families of Children with Special Needs

close up of family faces at a group gathering

This event is the combination of the former Community Resource Fair and the Recreational Resource Fair.

New This Year! Expanded resources for all: AGES 0-21

Saturday, February 3, 2018
Chase Lake Elementary School
21603 84th Ave W, Edmonds, WA

Come to learn about local community resources and ask questions that will help you navigate services and supports available to your child and family based on your unique needs.

Program Schedule

9:30am: Resource Tables open
10:00am: Brief Welcome and Introductions

  • Edmonds School District
  • Arc of Snohomish County—Advocacy & Resources
  • Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)—Overview,Eligibility, Why Apply?

10:30am-12:00pm: Resource Tables Open

  • Representatives from over 20 local organizations available toprovide information and answer questions


Contact Ana Apter or Kathie Davis

Recreation and Resource Fair Flyers (English and  Español)


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