Evaluations & Treatment
Autism Center of Excellence (COE) providers can offer evaluations as of October 2019. For more information about COEs, click here.
Lakeside Center for Autism
A multidisciplinary program that provides both diagnostics and treatment for children with autism in addition to a number of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Issaquah: 425-657-0620
NW Autism Center
Information and referral to services, providers, support and resources in the Spokane
area and beyond.
Community Connections Office (Spokane): 509-328-1582
Seattle Children’s Hospital Autism Center
Assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support for autism spectrum
Seattle: 206-987-8080
UW Autism Center
Clinical services, research, and training devoted to supporting individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders (birth through young adulthood).
Toll-free Information and Resource line: 877-408-8922.
Information, Advocacy & Support
WA Autism Alliance
Support to families and indivuals, help understanding and obtaining insurance coverage, access to vetted professional help and services, support group and respite care program, training, review and evaluation of IEPs, and more.
Redmond: 425-894-7231
Autism Society of Washington State
Support to families, information & referral.
Toll-Free: 888-279-4968
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
A national grassroots disability rights organization run by and for Autistic people. ASAN’s members and supporters include Autistic adults and youth, cross-disability advocates, and non-autistic family members, professionals, educators and friends.
FEAT of Washington (Families for Effective Treatment of Autism)
Information & referral.
Bellevue: 425-223-5126
Fact Sheets
DSM-5: Defining Autism Spectrum Disorder