Help Stop the Spread of COVID
Turn on your smart phone’s WA Notify Exposure Notifications to reduce the risk of exposure to your family in the event you or members of your household come into contact with someone who later tests positive for COVID. If you have caregivers who come into your home, consider asking them to turn on their exposure notifications (find instructions at WA Notify).
The more people who sign up, the better chance we have to stop the spread of COVID. It’s really easy to do.
Here’s how it works:
When you enable WA Notify, your phone exchanges random, anonymous codes with the phones of people you are near who have also enabled WA Notify. The app uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to exchange these random codes without revealing any information about you. If another WA Notify user you’ve been near in the last two weeks later tests positive for COVID-19 and adds their verification code to the app, you’ll get an anonymous notification that you’ve had a possible exposure. This lets you get the care you need quickly and helps prevent you from spreading COVID-19 to the people around you.