New Video Series: DDA Waivers Explained

Title card for DSHS DDA video series, set against light blue background. Black and white line drawing of city scape with several people of different ages, abilities and races. Avatar image of Alex Koval, host of the series, in lower right.

Did you know?

The DSHS Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) oversees programs and services that support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in just about every area of life, and at every stage of life.

Most of DDA’s services are part of Medicaid programs called Home and Community Based Services Waivers, or “waivers” for short.

They’re called waivers because the person waives the right receive services in an institutional setting in order to receive similar services in their home and community.

There are five DDA waiver programs: Individual and Family Services (or IFS), Basic Plus, Core, Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavior Support (or CIIBS), and Community Protection.

Our new video series gives an overview of services and eligibility for each waiver. If you are not a client of DDA, but would like to become one, watch How to Apply (and Why).


Individual and Family Services (IFS)

Basic Plus


Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavior Support (CIIBS)

Community Protection


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