What are you waiting for?

Close to 14,000 individuals are waiting for services from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)—a group so large, it’s been given its own name: the No Paid Services (NPS) Caseload.

As a result of legislative action and upcoming changes to key state programs, DDA anticipates being able to provide services to as many as 5,000 individuals who are currently on the NPS caseload, beginning mid-2015 (and beyond). Most will be enrolled in the Individual & Family Services (IFS) program, which is for children and adults who live in the family home. IFS includes services such as respite, therapies, behavior support, and other interventions that help the individual continue to live at home.

Because DDA will identify individuals from a list of those who have been assessed to need services, it’s important to make sure you’re on the Service Request List. (Note: This is a new term to learn for those who are used to hearing wait list or enrollment database.)

If you or someone you know is on the NPS caseload, consider this a friendly reminder to contact your local DDA office and leave a message, asking to be assessed for IFS (or confirming that you are on the Service Request List if your son/daughter has already been assessed).

Here are the numbers:

Region 1: (Spokane) 800-319-7116; (Yakima) 866-715-3646

Region 2 (Seattle) 800-974-4428; (Everett) 800-567-5582

Region 3: (Tacoma) 800-735-6740; (Olympia) 888-707-1202


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