November is Family Caregiver Month

From the Washington State Developmental Disability Administration

Family with small children, waving at the camera.

November is National Family Caregiver Month

DSHS’ Developmental Disability Administration recognizes that family caregiving is an essential part of our long-term services and supports system.

That is why DDA recognizes November as National Family Caregiver Month.

The Caregiver Action Network established the month-long focus to celebrate those who care for others. The network provides awareness surrounding caregiving issues, educates communities, and increases caregiver support.

If you have been the primary caregiver for a child, elder, or someone with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities, you know why NFCM is important.

Did you know?

  • Washington state is home to nearly 850,000 unpaid family members caring for aging family members or individuals with disabilities.
  • Thousands of paid family caregivers are contracted to provide support to their loved ones.
  • Qualified, compassionate and loving caregivers are the chief resource necessary to ensure people with developmental disabilities remain safe, healthy and are a part of their community.

DDA routinely publishes care-provider bulletins with helpful information on topics related to client health and welfare. To view DDA care-giver bulletins visit Care Provider Bulletins & Information.

Home and Community Services publishes a quarterly magazine, ‘HCS Highlights fall 2020‘, with tips for caregivers during COVID-19.

DDA thanks you all for your continued commitment towards the health, welfare and quality-of-life for people with developmental disabilities living in Washington state.

Additional Resources

Pathways to Respite

Pathways to Respite, a free publication by Informing Families, offers information and resources for those who support:

  • an older adult
  • child or adult with a developmental disability or other disability
  • adult with traumatic brain injury

Developed by Informing Families, a resource of the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, in partnership with the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration, Aging & Long-Term Support Administration, and PAVE, which administers Lifespan Respite WA.


Also available in the following format:

Pathways to Respite (PDF)



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