Life Course Materials New In Print

We now have the following Life Course four-page pamphlets available for order in print. Our print copies come in full color 8 1/2 by 11 inch high quality paper and are offered at no cost to organizations and agencies who work with individuals with IDD or their families.

front page of high school transition toolkit in Spanish, with star formTransición de Secundaria: Planificación para la vida después de la escuela
Our popular four page High School Transition toolkit is now available in print. Order your copies on the same form as the English version, and specify Spanish under the language entry.


Thumbnail image of the first page of the pamplet, featuring a star form to identify supports for the middle years.Living a Meaningful Life (for adults age 35 and older)
Growing, learning and achieving does not end at adulthood. It continues throughout life, and at your own pace. This new Life Course pamphlet provides tips on how to plan for life in the middle years, including questions to consider about services and supports outside the family home.


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