Funding Limits Reached for SSP in Lieu of IFS

Last May, clients of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Individual & Family Services (IFS) state-only program were notified about a transition to the new IFS waiver that would take place at their annual assessment. At that time, individuals and their families were told they could choose to transfer to the new IFS waiver OR SSP in lieu of IFS (a cash benefit program for low income individuals receiving Medicaid).

As of January 1, 2016 the choice of SSP in lieu of IFS program will no longer be an option. All state only-funded services are limited by available funding, and the budget for SSP payments will not allow for additional enrollment to the SSP in lieu of IFS program.

Eligible individuals are encouraged to enroll in the IFS waiver. Your case manager will call you and send you an application packet for the IFS waiver 60 days before your annual assessment due date. If you would like to convert to the IFS waiver at the time of your annual assessment, please fill out the applications and forms provided in the packet. The information in this packet will determine if you are financially eligible for the waiver program and if you meet federal disability eligibility requirements.

The IFS waiver offers many of the same services as the state IFS Program plus some additional new supports.

Benefits of being on the IFS Waiver:

  • You will have access to new IFS Waiver Services, such as peer mentoring, supported parenting, person-centered plan facilitation and community engagement.
  • You will be in a priority group for consideration for other waivers if additional supports are needed.
  • You will be eligible for Washington Apple Health Long Term Care Medical Coverage.

If you are currently on the state-only IFS program and have questions, please contact your DDA case manager.

If you are a client of DDA, but not receiving a paid service and you are interested in the IFS waiver program, please contact the local DDA office nearest you and ask to be assessed for the IFS waiver.

Region 1
Spokane: 800-319-7116
Yakima: 866-715-3646

Region 2
Seattle: 800-974-4428
Everett: 800-567-5582

Region 3
Tacoma: 800-735-6740
Olympia: 888-707-1202



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