Free Planning Tools, Resources and Guides

printing of colored newspapers with an offset printing machine at a printing press

Looking for planning tools, resources, and ideas for creating a great life?

Our library of publications are available to order and/or download at no cost to you. If you’ve got an upcoming event, let us know how many copies you need and we’ll be happy to send them your way.

In many areas of the state, we can also have an Informing Families Coordinator host a booth with the materials of your choice. If you have an event coming up, send us an email and let us know what you need.

Publications in Print

The following print publications are available to order in multiple copies to groups, schools, agencies, hospitals and other organizations who provide services and support to individuals with I/DD and/or their families. All of our publications are free, and there is no charge for mailing.

Resource Folder Cover: Strategies to Support Real LivesResource Folder (available in Spanish)
Useful resource information for people with I/DD and their families. If you are an individual or agency who has contact with individuals with developmental disabilities, these folders can provide a way to package the information you give to families and give them easy access to other resources.

Life Course: Introduction to Planning & Services
This four-page welcome packet on Planning and Services for Children and Adults with I/DD in Washington State provides:

  • image of the star form for identifying supportsA Star Form to help identify supports to reach goals of any kind.
  • Process to Apply for a Determination of DDA Eligibility in Washington.
  • Get Organized for Life by identifying and filing key documents that will be needed to apply for programs through a person’s life.
  • Description of Washington State’s DDA’s Wavier Programs and Community First Choice (CFC).

Life Course: High School Transition Toolkit (available in Spanish)
Creating a successful transition to adulthood requires support from a lot of different sources. This four-page High School Transition Toolkit provides:

  • Transition Toolkit Star FormA Star Form to help identify supports to reach a student’s transition goals.
  • Tips for transition planning and goal setting.
  • Transition timeline of things to do from age 14-21.
  • Transition checklist of skills, activities, and services when creating your child’s high school transition plan for his/her IEP.
  • Ways to gain job skills during high school.
  • Resources for post-secondary education.

Life Course: Living a Meaningful Life (Adults Age 35 and Older)
Growing, learning and achieving does not end at adulthood. It continues throughout life, and at your own pace. This four-page provides:

  • Thumbnail image of the first page of the pamplet, featuring a star form to identify supports for the middle years.A sample Star Form to help identify supports to reach goals throughout the adult years.
  • Resources for parents to consider as sources of support and connection as their son/daughter grows older.
  • Planning tools.
  • Questions to consider when thinking about living outside the family home, and the kinds of supports needed to create a safe, healthy, and full life in the community.
  • How to make the most of assistive technology at home and in the community.
    Support and planning for the whole family.

Life Course Free and Low Cost Resources Toolkit (All Ages)

If you are not receiving a paid service from the Developmental Disabilities Administration, or you’re looking for more support than you currently have, our newly released Resource Toolkit can help you identify support and activities available in most communities.

Front page of the Life Course Resources Toolkit with Star Form.This four page toolkit includes:

  • A sample Star Form to help identify free and low cost supports.
  • Links to state and local resources
  • Support for all members of the family
  • Ideas for connecting with your community
  • How to request services from DDA.


Publications in PDF

The following publications are available for immediate download in PDF only.

image of the star form for identifying supportsStar Form (available in Spanish.)
A big part of creating a good life is looking at the individual’s whole life, beyond paid services. The Star Form helps kick start this process. Use it to identify helpful people, community resources, technology and paid services to help meet any goal or task.

Family Community Connections Guidebook (available in Spanish)
Information and Resources for Families and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Washington State. Includes worksheets for identifying people, places and ideas to help broaden your family member’s social circle and community connections.

Adult Sibling Toolkit
A guide for siblings of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Washington State. Download and print the full 32 page planning guide as a single document, or select and print each section separately.

Bulletins (Archived Listing by Year)
Our one page bulletins provide trusted information about services, supports and resources for individuals and families. Topics range from IEP preparation, life after high school, navigating relationships, positive behavior support, understanding the service system, and issues for those with a dual diagnosis of developmental disability and mental illness.


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