No Paid Services? We Want to Hear from You!

For Individuals (and Families) on DDA’s No Paid Services Caseload

If you or someone you support is on the Developmental Disabilities No Paid Services (NPS) Caseload, we would love to hear how you are doing so that we can better understand your needs, as well as what’s working well. Your input will help us identify what kinds of information is helpful and relevant to your life. It will also help us understand what kinds of barriers may exist to connect you to the services and supports you need.

Please take a few moments to respond to our short 13 question survey. The survey is anonymous and voluntary. Identifying information is not collected, stored or shared.

Take the online survey.


Note: If you would like to download and print the survey for those who do not have access to a computer, click here for a printable version (PDF).


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